
Sep 22, 2011

A New Start

For my dear baby boy M, I hope one day you will read these humble daily adventures of our small family and it will make you smile. Perhaps you will have forgotten a lot of what you've discovered these days. Many ordinary things won't be so intriguing anymore as we grown ups seem to forget the simple things that truly matter. But who knows, maybe some of the magic you have discovered in the ordinary these days still will have a place in your heart. Just like you have forever one in mine.
Today was a beautiful Autumn day, the sun showed her face and brightened up the withering leaves. Their colours are so intense! All around there are small creatures like snails, bugs and wasps crawling around the Autumn fruits. This part of the year is my favorite one. An intriguing time of retreat and decay, but also a time of rediscovering the warm protection of our cozy home against wind and rain.
Last week a very sensitive stray cat suddenly started visiting us and now she has her own place in our home. She seems to like it so far and already has a steady spot on our windowsill. I am trying not to get attached too much because she might choose to leave us again or find her way back to her old home. But it is no use, she's already in my heart...she's just too soft and has an unbelievable trust in humans.
What a beautiful gift this new friendship is and I am so honored she has chosen our family as her new home. She brings a zen mood to our living room when she lays on the windowsill snoring and somehow it feels like she has always been there.


  1. If I told you that I was hoping you'd be posting again and here you are. I missed you dear friend. This cat is a very smart one she chose a house full of love and your heart is safe for I truly believe she's here to stay.
    Hugs to you and your loved ones, Sas

  2. muy bellas imágenes y color!!me encantan!.El collage es precioso. Gracias por todos tus comentarios en mi blog.Muchos saludos y buena suerte!!!

  3. Missed you Saskia. So glad to see you posting again. Lovely images.. sensitive words... beautiful lucky cat :)


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