
Mar 26, 2013

Gnome Homes

The past days we had so much fun creating these gnome homes!
I wanted to hide them in our garden but our son loved them rightaway and now we have gnome houses next to the fairy gardens in our livingroom.

To create the houses we used birch branches in different sizes and combined them with Ourico Pods. (These are the pods that contain Brazil Nuts). The chimneys were made from pieces of wood and snail shells and fixed with beeswax. The flower containers are also made from snail shells and can be filled with water. Oh, once you get started....

You can also use small terracotta flowerpots or baskets to create roofs. 
There are endless possibilities, but for the gnomes it is only important that their homes are made with loving care.


  1. Happy sigh, beautiful, imaginative, wonderful!

  2. So lovely to hear you like them!
    Thank you xx sas

  3. Gorgeous and so inspirational as always! I know what we will be doing this Easter time! hugs to you Sas! xxx

    1. Thank you dear Emma for the wonderful compliment!

      Hugs back from Holland,
      xxx sas

  4. They are just wonderful. I have just started with one fairy garden,but I see so many ideas I need more than one. Thank you for the inspiration. Paty.

    1. Haha that is exactly how I began and now we have fairy houses everywhere :)

      Thank you for visiting Paty,
      so lovely to see you here.

      xxx sas


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xx sas