Making these soft wooly birds is such a lovely Easter activity!
The finished birds can be tied to a branch so the children can let them fly.
Required Materials;
(Note; 1 cm is about 0,4 inches)
- wool roving 1 piece of 20 cm and one of 10 cm
- tiny thread of wool(roving) red 2 cm
- (embroidery) thread + needle
- scissors
- optional; felting needle
a branch

1 - Lay the larger tuft of wool roving (20 cm) on the table and place the tiny red tuft (beak) and the thread on top.
2 - Make a knot, tie and cut the thread with scissors. Make tips from the ends of the beak with wet fingers.
3 - Fold the ends of the wool roving down and create the head of the bird by tying another knot with thread. Secure and cut the ends of the thread.
4 - Fold the other piece of woolroving (10 cm) between the body and secure by tying a knot with thread. Cut the ends of the thread.
5 - Shape the wings of the bird (you can use a felting needle) and make tips at the end of the wings. The tail is folted inside and gently brushed with wet fingertips.
Attach a thread to a branch and the back of the bird and let it fly.

Enjoy your loved ones these days and take care,
Dear Saskia
ReplyDeleteThank you for these wonderful treats you share with us for Easter. If I was a fairy I would certainly go to Holland and live on your windowsill ;)))
A lovely Easter time to you, your family and the fairies!
These are great! I'm definitely trying this!
ReplyDeleteThank you,
~ joey ~
Aww hihi thank you dear Isabelle for this heartwarming message!
ReplyDeleteSending you a big hug, xx sas
So nice to hear you like them Joey! They are really easy to make and kids love to let them fly. xx sas
ReplyDeleteOh my, I see my little ones and I making these in homeschooling next week :) Thanks for linking up with us!!
ReplyDeleteIk had ergens strengen wol liggen, een beetje rommelig al, overgebleven van een workshop vilten lang, lang geleden. Nooit wat mee gedaan. En toen ik al surfend op je blog terechtkwam, vlogen ze afgelopen Paasweekend zomaar in mijn handen en fladderde er een wit vogeltje uit. Ik werd er echt helemaal blij van. Dank je wel!
ReplyDelete(Linkje voor als je' m wilt zien: http://wp.me/p2Dk28-jL)