Aug 5, 2011

Summer Morning

The air around was trembling-bright
And full of dancing specks of light,
While butterflies were dancing too
Between the shining green and blue.
I might not watch, I might not stay,
I ran along the meadow way.
The straggling brambles caught my feet,
The clover field was, oh! so sweet;
I heard a singing in the sky,
And busy things went buzzing by;
And how it came I cannot tell,
But all the hedges sang as well.
Along the clover-field I ran
To where the little wood began,
And there I understood at last
Why I had come so far, so fast
On every leaf of every tree
A fairy sat and smiled at me!
Summer Morning
by Rose Fyleman


  1. Wow! EAch of these is breathtaking... awesome Dof and PP... Thanks for sharing such beauty Sas! Have a great weekend :))

  2. The colours and the light are incredible. Wonderful photos Sas!
    I didn´t know that you had two blogs...
    Hope you will have have a nice sunday!

  3. The light and coulors are so great. Amazing photos. Love them!!!!

  4. Thank you for your comment, it made me happy!
    What wonderful pictures you show here. I´m speechless!

  5. These are like poetry, very delicate.

  6. wow - how beautiful!
    The violets ... (or is it cyclamen?) - I just love your photos.
    Greetings Renate


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